How to create and configure Amazon ElastiCache cluster

Couple of days ago, I was working with Amazon ElastiCache. I was trying to access it from my local machine.
Amazon ElastiCache can be accessed within Amazon network only and not from outside the network.
Below are the steps to create and configure Amazon ElastiCache to use in the consumer application.
1. You can access the Amazon ElastiCache from Amazon EC2 instance. If you are yet to create the Amazon EC2 instance, please visit this link.
2. When you are ready with the EC2 instance, you will see something like this;

3. Then you need to select Amazon ElastiCache from the services section.

4. When you click to the Launch Cache Cluster button, you will be redirected to a wizard, where you need to specify parameters.

The highlighted sections are important to note down. Amazon ElastiCache is a paid service. So you have to be very careful while selecting node type. Engine depends on which client you are making use of. Since it is in Beta phase, Amazon Cache cluster must reside on the same region where EC2 instance is created.

5. In the next screen you can select the security group.

In this screen you need select the same security group which you have used while creating EC2 instance.

6. You can review all the parameters in next screen and start launching cache cluster.

Tweak in Double.ToString() conversion

I am working on an application which involves lot of arithmetic operations. In this application we heavily make use of double and string interchangeably.
I was facing a problem with conversion between double type to string variables.

Consider below code;
double d = 30.235312769517968;
string convertedValue = d.toString();

If we see the output of convertedValue variable it gives us something like 30.235312769518, which fails the comparison.
To preserve the decimal precision we can make use of ToString() as below;

string convertedValue = d.ToString("R");

By default, the return value only contains 15 digits of precision although a maximum of 17 digits is maintained internally. If the value of this instance has greater than 15 digits, ToString returns PositiveInfinitySymbol or NegativeInfinitySymbol instead of the expected number. If you require more precision, specify format with the "G17" format specification, which always returns 17 digits of precision, or "R", which returns 15 digits if the number can be represented with that precision or 17 digits if the number can only be represented with maximum precision.

Note that not all the numbers can be represented exactly...

Left outer join using LINQ - yields different outputs

Couple of days ago, I was working on a project where I was supposed to convert SQL queries in LINQ. There was a simple SQL query as;

td1.ColumnName = td2.ColumnName
WHERE td2.ColumnName IS NULL
ORDER BY SomeColumns

I ran this query in SQL Query analyzer, it returned me 100 records. And my converted LINQ code returned me 105 records. I converted this query intto LINQ to perform Left Outer Join as;
I did this in 2 ways;
Method 1:

var data= (from td1in Table1
           join td2 in Table2.Where(a => a.ColumnName == (int?)null) 
           on td1.ColumnName equals td2.ColumnName into outer
           from x in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
           orderby SomeColumns
           select td1);

Method 2: 
var data = from td1 in Table1
           join td2 in Table2
           on td1.ColumnName equals td2.ColumnName into outer
           from item in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
           where item.ColumnName.Value == (int?)null
           orderby somecolumns
           select td1 ;

This gave me an exception as, failed to enumerate results 

var data = from td1 in Table1
           join td2 in Table2
           on td1.ColumnName equals td2.ColumnName into outer
           from item in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
           where item == null
           orderby somecolumns
           select td1 ;

In my original query that line item.ColumnName.Value == (int?)null was wrong, because I tried to retrieve value for all ColumnName even if item was null. I corrected that with the following query and it worked fine.


.net .Net Instrumentation logging .net localization Agile amazon amazon elasticache amazon services AppDomain Application Domain architecture asp ASP.Net authentication authentication mechanisms Byte order mark c# cache canvas app cdata certifications class classic mode cloud cloud computing cluster code-behind Combobox compilation Configuration providers configurations connection connectionString constructors control controls contructor CSV CTS .net types conversion database DataGridView DataSource DataTable DataType DBML delegates design pattern dispose double encoding Entity framework Events exception handling expiry fault contracts fault exceptions function pointers functions generics help HostingEnvironmentException IIS inner join instance management integrated mode javascript join left outer join LINQ LINQ join LINQ to SQL memory leak methods microsoft model driven app modes in IIS MSIL multiple catch blocks no primary key Nullable Osmos Osmotic Osmotic communication Osmotic communications page events page life cycle partial class PMI powerapps preserve precision points private contructor ProcessExit Project management properties property protect connectionString providerName providers query regular expression repository Responsive Web Design return type run-time RWD Saas self join session session expiry sessions singelton singleton pattern software as a service source control system SQLMetal string toolstrip ToolStrip controls ToolStripControlHost tortoise SVN ToString() try catch finally update wcf web application web design web site web.config where-clause xml
